Tuesday, June 23, 2009


  I've drawn Nate's caricature so many times I decided to finally just go ahead and do a portrait for once.


KEV said...

looks like the previous one u did of him. its cool tho.

Aaronphilby said...

Yeah. It was from that batch.

Meesimo said...

awesome as always dude

Mr. Urzua said...

ha! portrait

Mr. Urzua said...

hurry and post the mike jack drawing

Aaronphilby said...

u think i should color it?

Mr. Urzua said...

why not

Aaronphilby said...

Yeah. Why not. Alright. I'm gonna color it.

Art of Jared said...

Ha, Cartoon

bog_art said...

Haha.. it is great my friend!.. I lovved your "The World According to Youtube According to the Alphabet" also..

justfrancesca said...

Let's see that Michael Jackson drawing I've been hearing about!!!

Aaronphilby said...

thanks, Bogar!