Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009


This is Aida. Her hair's not white though.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Valet Caricature Updates!

  I have and am going to continue to update the Valet Caricatures post. As you can see, I just put some higher resolution photos up. Also, I'm going to add photos of the actual people as the photos are taken. These updates will not appear at the top of the page. New posts of paintings and drawings and what have you will push the Valet Caricatures further down the line so you'll have to scroll down there to check if you wanna see what my valet buddies look like for reals. 

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Valet Caricatures

Lucas Balbi, photo 5

David Kim, photo 4

Chalrlie Tucker, photo 2

Jeremia Steinbrunner, photo 2

Jason Poovy, photo 3

  Photo 1, Kevin Shannon (Shennanigans), Brian Otey (O-Tay!)

  Photo 2, in clockwise order: Daniel Garrison (Dirty D), Jeramia (Aunt Jeramima), Charlie Tucker (McCharles In Charge)

  Photo 3, in clockwise order: Zac Delgado (Zac Del Taco), Jared Mugar (Eat Fresh), Jason Poovy (Mr. Poov at your service)

  Photo 4, In Clockwise Order: Todd Budreaux (In Todd we trust), David Kim (Brace Yo Self), Lon (Lonald McDonald), myself (Aaron Philabuster)

  Photo 5, from top to bottom: Lucas Balbi (Orange Lucas reporting), Mike DeJesus (WWMDJD)

  Photo 6, clockwise: Leo Herridge (Leo Herrless), Chris Deliman (The Watchman), Robert something (Röbert), Levi (Levi the new guy)

  At my job at the Hyatt as a valet, there is a little standing around time now and then, and I keep some blank paper folded in my shirt pocket to do some sketching of my coworkers' great faces. They all seem to get a little kick out of it. The boss man hasn't stopped me from taping the drawings I'm pleased with underneath the desk in the booth. His is the most recent face I've put up down there. It's the one at the bottom with the black suit. Anyways, hope he ain't offended none, and he probably won't be cuz he doesn't seem like that sort. What else? What else? Oh yes. There was one person who was offended, and if you're wondering its the one that says "Watchman."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009


But not that close.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Angelina Jolie

No. It's not Michael Jackson.